Saturday, September 7, 2013


Let’s join:
* Make money fast from CASHFIESTA (the best and easiest way to earn more and more money). Make money 100% ON A NETWORK
Once I have put many efforts to study and learn about the Cashfiesta, I confirm that this is completely 100% actually true, I also own 1 of the group do this and this is specific evidence to prove that: Cashfiesta paid to the members in Vietnam and many countries in the world for many years.
* Why does Cashfiesta pay money for their members? Where does Cashfiesta take money to pay?
=> Cashfiesta pays you because you accept the Cashfiesta to place a corner ad on the your computer screen whenever you surf the Internet. On the corner of the ad will see ads for companies, casinos, shops and these companies will pay for ads on Cashfiesta, Cashfiesta also pays its members to see that ads. See how their money is also interesting and would recommend this program for people to make money with them. It will be also interesting if you join it. Then you have many advantages, why they have the benefit, keep reading, you will understand. I will show you how to make money but this really easy, but also not too easy. It requires you to be patient, it is not natural and easy for you to have income 100 -1000 USD, then you must also actively and patiently. If you want to have money but you do nothing, even God can not help you.
Are you a student? Do you need money? Do you want to make over 50 USD/month on the Internet with no captital, no risk or business experience?
Would you like to add a respectable income again or make more than 50USD/month on the Internet?
Remember this is an passive income, after a period of time, you still make money even when you play or sleep. That ‘s true, because you created a SYSTEM makes money for you.
* There are 2 methods to make money by using this program:
- Method 1 is using your own and get paid to use.
- Method 2 is to introduce others to use and enjoy the commission more.
You must combine these 2 methods to make money most effectively.
Cashfiesta program will pay for each time you use the internet about the highest 15.000 VND. In fact the money when we use direct these programs is not high, only a few dozen USD a month, but the commission when referring other people very
big and attractive.
Currently know the exact Cashfiesta paid for average for all members around the world each approximately 90 USD/month. Many people have created their own income about 500-600 USD / month through commission only with Cashfiesta.
The program paid cash by sending a check (for member to withdraw money from bank) to its member 's home address.
Cashfiesta are willing to pay money for you so why the few people still use it? As in Vietnam , most are not aware of these programs as well as less confident, they think it is SCAM. Just because they are not patient enough, just want to make money right now and don't make patiently  That ‘s very wrong .If you are the first to go will have many opportunities to introduce other people who did not know and when you introduce a lot of people, you have created the making money SYSTEM for you. Create a system automatically make money, hurry up! I will instruct you in detail, making sure each step will be used correctly and perfect to avoid confusion.
Please believe me - believe in what easy we can do to earn money when surfing the Internet. What you have to do is to join Cashfiesta and to be patient. Success and money will come soon!

You first go to the link (copy the link below to address line on your Internet Explorer, remember that one more open Internet Explore other links to new, and retain this page for more instructions): After clicking on the above link, you will see a registration table, which:
-Login: Type in login name (you choose yourselves)
-Password: Type in password encryption, at least 4 characters.
-Verify password: Type the password verbatim
-First name: Type in your first name.
-Last name: Type in your last name.
-Street address: Type exact address of yours, it 's important cause Cashfiesta will send check to this address (including house number, street name, ward and district,…) If you type  wrong address, checks will not be transferred to your address)
-City: Type in the name of city / province you live.
-Zip / Postal code: Type the local postal code (postal code).   
-State:  U.S residents only
-Province: Write province you live
-Country: Type your country
-E-mail address: Type your email address.
-Verify e-mail address: Type your email address verbatim.
-Gender : Male / Female
-Education: literacy
-Annual household income: Income of your options.
-Please tell us about your interests: Please mark all
-Preferred check size: the amount Cashfiesta will pay for you when you get enough points. Please select $ 50. You should not choose more than that check size, cause after 1 month, if you earn $ 50 they will transfer one $ 48 check to you, by subtracting the $ 2 transfer fee.

Check the I have read and understand the Member Agreement.
Click Submit Registration to complete the registration.
Completion will show up Congratulations word.
(If you don't check carefully again, instead of reporting what the red text will be wrong to be revised)
After your registration is complete, please click on the link below to download to your computer a small program (~800 KB). (FiestaBarInstall.exe)
After downloading completely in your computer(s), you run this file (by clicking "Open"). Install in computer(s) by click I Agree, then Next, then Install, then Next and Finish. Once you have installed will have 1 table that does require you to enter username and password you have registered at this time, and click OK to start making money. Then you will see charges on the Desktop (screen) you have a banner. FiestaBoy walks, points number increases, it means you start making money.
You must always pay attention to the left of the advertisement with a FiestaBoy wear bonnet, when he sits you click on him, he will stand up and continue walking,  point will continue increasing, one hour increased about 600 points. 1,000 points equals the maximum 1.666 USD (if you are a GOLD MEMBER)
Note: FiestaBoy about 5 minutes to sit down or run out of screen, you must drag it to the old place and continue walking. Now you can use the internet normally, only occasionally to invigorate, do not let FiestaBoy to fall asleep.
But it is boring and waste of our precious time when we have to look after the Fiestaboy  and let him to stand up and keep walking. It ‘s now rather easy for you to do this automatically, click link below:
To download a zip file easy cash, unpacked a Folder, double-click the "cbated.exe" file, a palette appear blue, you click the button Taskmaster, it started jumping numbers 1,2,3 ... (or working) is OK then, you continue to click “Hide” to hide the table, this software also run quite long (the Register has not been running continuously 45 minutes). When I run it again, you just reactivate the OK . Now you can play games or do other activities with you PC.
And particularly this program does not affect the speed of your internet.
* At first (CASHFIESTA points): Record number of points you earned.
   At second (Referrals): The people you introduced.
* Points from referrals: This is the number of points that your downline bring to you (1 line make money without having to click the mouse still receive money through the commission referred to many people). For example: I am the person who referred to less than 3 people, including you there, that is "commission of level 1". And if you earn 1000 points, my commission will be: 1000 * 15% = 150 points.
Note: This manual is surf, which means that you must close, exit off FiestaBar previous shut down, if you do not turn off FiestaBar before shuting down, the money will not be charged  . The order of the following: Click the close button in upper right hand corner of the program, it will automatically update, then you are finished click OK.
At first use, Cashfiesta will pay you very low cost in 7 first payrates. To achieve a highest charge payrate as 1.666 USD/1,000 USD you must become a gold club member.
* Commission:
< 3 persons: 15% (commission of level 1)
3 -> 9 persons: 7% (commission of level 2)
9 -> 27 persons: 5% (commission of level 3)
27 -> 81 persons: 4% (commission of level 4)
81 -> 243 persons: 3% (commission of level 5)
243 -> 729 persons: 2% (commission of level 6)
729 -> 2187 persons: 1% (commission of level 7)
2187 -> 6561  persons: 1% (level commission of cool)
There are 8 levels, very attractive!
* Bonus points: the points awarded by the company for you. If you earn:
2000 -> 4999 USD: you will be awarded 1000 points.
5000 -> 9999 USD: you will be awarded 2000 points.
10000 -> 19999 USD: you will be awarded 4000 points.
20000 -> 29999 USD: you will be awarded 6000 points.
> 30000 USD: you will be awarded 7000 points.
+ Registered 0 SPECIAL OFFERS: 0.010 USD /1000 POINTS
+ Registered 1 SPECIAL OFFER: 0.040 USD /1000 POINTS
+ Registered 2 SPECIAL OFFERS: 0.333 USD /1000 POINTS
+ Registered 3 SPECIAL OFFERS: 0.500 USD /1000 POINTS
+ Registered 4 SPECIAL OFFERS: 0.660 USD /1000 POINTS
+ Registered 5 SPECIAL OFFERS: 0.830 USD /1000 POINTS
+ Registered 6 SPECIAL OFFERS, but not gold club member(s): 1.000 USD /1000 POINTS
If you earn well, 1 hour you can earn 600 points, while the average is 400 to 500 points/ hour.
So, that is, if you use internet 2 hours/day, 1 month you can get 50 USD. Also assume in if you have not enough for 30,000 points (50 USD), the points will be added to next month. The company will send you money every month by check (use to withdraw money from bank)
CASHFIESTA will pay me 1.666 USD for 1,000 points, won't it?
That ‘s true provided that you must be a GOLD CLUB member of  CASHFIESTA. When you are not a member of the GOLD CLUB, CASHFIESTA pays you to depend on the number of SPECIAL OFFER(S) that you get, this special offer(s) to show that you are involved and interested in CASHFIESTA.
How do I get the SPECIAL OFFER(S)?
Very simple, you go to, log in to your account, click the Special Offers, you will see many small ad squares on the site, go to the SPECIAL OFFER(S) allow free registration worldwide, you have to click on a site that will open up to you, to have registered members of this site and you have 1 SPECIAL OFFER.
(Note that when registering you must sign in to and report the same email address as the email you reported with CASHFIESTA. The special offers registration is easy.)
You have in your account click on the SPECIAL OFFER DONE, but note that since you logged in from 2 to 4 weeks after CASHFIESTA checks and confirms your SPECIAL OFFER(S). It is the reason why CASHFIESTA pays to us within 30 days after achieving $ 50.
How to become a GOLD CLUB member in a month
To become a GOLD CLUB member in a month, you have to satisfy the following 3 conditions:
1. Have registered at least 6 SPECIAL OFFERS.
2. Have at least 10,000 SPECIAL OFFER points.
3. Collect at least 133 Gold Club Points (GPs).
How to make a GPs
Each day you use CASHFIESTA about 30 minutes will be 1 GP, every day if members of your use CASHFIESTA and give you 100 points, you are 1 GP, in addition to last month CASHFIESTA community will give you maximum 15 GPs-based new members introduced by you, will CASHFIESTA plus 15 GPs for you based on the total time.
For CASHFIESTA's members, average 1 member will be able to earn up to 77 GPs. (Therefore if you use about 2 months it would have to be gold club member)
The best way to earn money fast is you refer people to use Cashfiesta as much as possible. They will create a system, a leverage to earn money faster and easier.
How to refer more people to join CASHFIESTA
You go to, then go to the referral center, you will see your referral URL at this time. Eg: mine is
Please copy this link and replace my refferal link with your referral link when you send this letter to your friends.
Tip: You can post this article on many forums, websites available on the Internet. And send it to your friends, introduce people as much as possible.
In addition, you may consult the article " - a site which lets you earn money by shrinking links".

Let’s join:
Wish you success with CASHFIESTA